+61 3 9091 7000
599 Canterbury Road Surrey Hills Vic 3127
We provide cost estimates at your first interview, or shortly thereafter, of the approximate overall costs that may be charged at the different stages of your matter, whether the matter settles or proceeds to Court. Many factors can affect your overall legal costs as your case progresses, more particularly the conduct of the other party, and whether they are co-operative. We are often asked, “How much will it cost?” This is not an easy answer to give because there are so many factors that determine the answer. The best we can do is give you an estimated range of the costs you may expect to pay, based on what we know about your matter at the time we are giving the estimate. Some cases which come to us, may appear straight forward initially, however, something happens, or more information comes to light (such as a party not disclosing certain vital information) and completely changing the nature of the matter.
Sometimes, clients come to us saying “the deal has been done and we just want to formalise it”. If that is genuinely the case, then that is fine. However, we often find that, in fact, the matter requires some further negotiation, and consequently, the costs increase. But you can be certain that we will do our utmost to inform you, with the information that we have at hand, of what the range of cost is likely to be.
At Barbayannis Lawyers we will send you regular bills so that you are kept appraised of your ongoing legal costs, and we will update our cost estimates, if necessary, as each matter progresses. No substantial disbursements (such as engaging accountants, barristers, psychologists or valuers) will be incurred on your behalf without first discussing them with you beforehand.
If you cannot afford to pay your costs regularly, we can enter into an arrangement with you, on terms to be discussed, for the costs to be paid at the end of your matter or when a settlement takes place.
As an alternative, you can apply for litigation funding, also known as legal financing, if you want us to continue to act for you. The details of the major litigation funders can be found on our Resources and News tabs.
In certain circumstances you may apply for a part property settlement in order to fund some of your legal costs. This means that, if successful, the Court makes an interim order for payment of a lump sum of money or an asset is sold, to enable you to pay your legal costs and any disbursements such as barristers’ fees, accounting and valuation fees.