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599 Canterbury Road Surrey Hills Vic 3127

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Family and De Facto Relationship Law

Family and De Facto Relationship Law

  1. Pre-nuptial and financial agreements
  2. Defacto and same sex agreements
  3. Family Law Matters
  4. Property settlements
  5. Complex financial disputes
  6. Children’s matters
  7. Parenting Disputes
  8. Defacto relationships
  9. Same sex relationships
  10. Injunctions and restraining orders
  11. Spousal Maintenance
  12. Adult Child Maintenance
  13. Child Support
  14. Divorce
  15. Residence
  16. Guardianship
  17. Relocation, overseas and interstate
  18. Surrogacy
  19. Independent Children’s Lawyer (ICL)
  20. International Abduction matters (Hague matters)
  21. International family law disputes
  22. Overseas Jurisdiction
  23. Intervention Orders